What's on this month ...
Feb 2025January
Showaddywaddy Glenrothes Rothes Hall
Glenrothes Rothes Hall - Doors open 7.30pm
The B Hives Barnsley Birdwell Venue
Barnsley Birdwell Venue - Doors open 7.30pm
Livewire ACDC Chester Live Rooms
Chester The Live Rooms - Doors open 7.30pm
Chantel Mcgregor Barnsley Birdwell Venue
Barnsley Birdwell Venue - Doors open 7.00pm
Livewire ACDC Chester Live Rooms 2
Chester The Live Rooms - Doors open 7.30pm
MaetLive Carlisle Old Fire Station
Carlisle Old Fire Station - Doors open 7.30pm
Death Or Glory The Clash Barnsley Birdwell Venue
Barnsley Birdwell Venue - Doors open 7.30pm
Magnum Manchester academy
Manchester Academy - Doors open 7.30pm
Livewire ACDC Cardiff Tramshed
Cardiff, Tramshed - Doors open 7.30pm
Livewire ACDC Birmingham O2 Institue
Birmingham O2 Institute - Doors open 7.30pm
Steve N Seagulls Norwich Waterfront
Norwich The Waterfront - Doors open 7.30pm
Roxette UK Holmfirth Picturedrome
Holmfirth Picturedrome - Doors open 7.30pm
Everly Pregnant Brothers Chesterfield Real TIme Live (supported by Kier)
Chesterfield Real Time - Doors open 7.30pm
Steve N Seagulls London Camden Underworld
London Underworld - Doors open 7.30pm
Oasish Barnsley Birdwell Venue
Barnsley Birdwell Venue - Doors open 7.30pm
Saturday, January 11
Friday, January 17
Saturday, January 18
Wednesday, January 22
Friday, January 24
Saturday, January 25
Thursday, January 30
Friday, January 31