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Peat And Diesel Milton Keynes Craufurd Arms
(featuring Peat & Diesel)
Venue: Milton Keynes The Craufurd Arms
The story began when three Stornoway Cove’s (Innes, Uilly and Boydie) met up in the house to have the craic on a Saturday night playing music with just the dog and the cat watching. After a few tunes getting thrown across the room Boydie stated muttering a few sentences. As he is a man of few words no attention was really given to him until he shouted ‘Quick, line me out!’ Not a second to spare a set of old broken headphones were cable tied to a guitar amp and out came a few cobwebs followed shortly after with a sound nobody had ever heard before. What came next was five gallons
of lyrics, verse after verse, song after song – PEAT & DIESEL WAS BORN!
The songs won’t make much sense to the average person, but the person behind the lyrics isn’t your average man so if you have a listen and you can relate to it you are a special breed. Peat & Diesel –
“Light my Byre” takes you on a journey to the heart of the Western Isles, where #peatlemania was born.
They ended a successful 2023 touring with Gogol Bordello. Work has also started on the highly anticipated third studio album, new tracks from which will get an airing to live audiences over the summer. All this, and not to mention Disney + recently using the bands music on their tv series “Extraordinary” which has brought #Peatlemania to a global audience through their channel.