Midge Ure
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Midge Ure has a career that spans over 40 years – from his “pop band” beginnings, “almost” joining the Sex Pistols, the electronic groundbreaking work with Visage (Fade To Grey is still voted #1 in its genre across Europe), via the mainstream success of Ultravox to the twists and turns of his solo releases.
In 2015, Midge Ure and semi acoustic duo, India Electric Company successfully presented the “Breathe Again “ show in the UK, and across Denmark, Germany and Italy as a 20th anniversary retrospective. It was the first time that Midge featured an “album in its entirety” and it proved to be a successful forma!
For the shows in 2016 the plan is to touch on the broad reach of his recorded output with the “Something From Everything Tour”..... a show that covers at least one song from every album he has released from the Rich Kids in 1977, via Visage and Ultravox, to his solo albums such as the Gift, Pure and Answers to Nothing.
Once again utilizing the three piece format which adds texture and depth to the material, this time Joseph O'Keefe will be adding keyboards to the mixture providing a more electronic nature to some of the songs.
A show that will appeal to both the hit–conscious customer and the long term fan looking for something unusual played live with all the usual commitment...
So there you have it. The "Something from Everything" Tour, performed in a format that will provide the framework of texture and diversity without detracting from the essence of the most important factor – the songs!
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